Safeguarding Policy
The three parishes have adopted the safeguarding policies and procedures of the Church of England. In particular we are committed to:
- the safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults
- carefully selecting and training paid and voluntary staff who might come into contact with children or vulnerable adults
- responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed
- cooperating fully with the police, local authority and any other appropriate statutory body in any investigation
- ministering appropriately to anyone, child or adult, who has experienced abuse
- extending pastoral care to those known to have offended against children or vulnerable adults whilst ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected from them
- The Parish Safeguarding Officer
- Judy Challis. contact on 07811 604120
You can access the full Diocesan Child and Adult Protection Guidelines here:
Parish Safeguarding Officers
St Bartholomew
June Conabeer
Tel: 01227 367385
St Mary the Virgin
Heather Ausden
Tel: 07785 702386 Email:
Holy Cross, Hoath
St Bartholomew
John Bailey
Tel: 07850 735202 Email:
St Mary the Virgin
Catherine Hampton
Tel: 07989 680553 Email:
Holy Cross, Hoath
Clare Hopper
Tel: 01227 860579 Email: