The United Parish of Reculver

Tel: 01227 360948
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Message from your vicar

The Vicarage

25 Dence Park




Tel: 01227 360948 / 07495861609



5th July 2022


One Parish

The Parish of St.Mary’s Reculver, St. Bartholomew’s Herne Bay

And Holy Cross Hoath


Dear Friends

I write to give you all an update on the One Parish. As of the 1st June we became known as the Parish above in church terms. We are now at the stage where the old P.C.C.’s of each of the old parishes have been closed off and the funds transferred into a new account for the new parish. Please be assured that any restricted funds attached to any of the churches will remain put aside for that church. We have now appointed a new P.C.C. for the new parish.

At a Joint PCC on Monday 13th June each Church old P.C.C. passed a resolution to transfer monies from the old accounts to new P.C.C. accounts. Each church has now had an extra APCM to see the accounts up to 31st May 2022.

The dates for these meetings were as follows:


Monday 25th July 7.30pm St. Bartholomew’s APCM in Church

Tuesday 26th July 7.30pm Holy Cross APCM in Church

Wednesday 27th July 7.30pm St. Mary’s APCM in Church


The Special APCM and Vestry Meeting was held on Sunday 31st July at 11.30am at Holy Cross after the Joint Service at Holy Cross at 10am that day.

At this meeting we appointed 3 Church Wardens; one for each church. We then appointed 9 P.C.C. reps, three from each Church. The new P.C.C. looks like this:


Rev Sue Martin

Rev Stephen Parrett

Rev Jenny Hadlow

Church Warden – St. Mary’s - Catherine Hampton

Church Warden – St. Bartholomew’s - John Bailey

Church Warden – Holy Cross - Clare Hopper

3 reps from St. Mary’s (Names to be published)

3 reps from St. Bart’s (Name to be published)

3 reps from Holy Cross (Names to be published)

Simon Martin – Deanery Synod

Catherine Hampton – Deanery Synod

Janet Scroggins - Deanery Synod

Auditor (TBA)

Electoral- Roll Officer (TBA)


Then followed the first meeting of new P.C.C. where we appointed the Treasurer (Iain Farquhar) and Secretary (TBA). Both of these were co-opted onto the PCC.

5 sub- Committees have been formed:

  1. Worship
  2. Safeguarding
  3. Mission
  4. Fundraising
  5. Church Hall

A P.C.C. member will be on each of these sub committees and will feed back to the main P.C.C. The idea will be that there will be two people from each church on Mission, Fundraising, Worship and Church Hall. Safeguarding will have three members which Rev Stephen will oversee.


The Worship Team is already up and running:

Rev Sue Martin

Rev Stephen Parrett

John Sinclair

Angela Holness

Ken Skinner

Mike Pannell

Clare Hopper

Sue Hogwood


Safeguarding Team is as follows:

Rev Stephen Parrett

June Conabeer

Heather Newman


We have three Fabric Committees: Which comprise Church Warden; Unofficial Deputy Church Warden and two others from that particular Church; again this committee will concentrate on Fabric of Church and report to new P.C.C.


This may seem very confusing but all will become a lot clearer once everything is up and running. 

These are very exciting times, please continue to pray for those working behind the scenes to make this change go as smoothly as possible and that the Lord will gather us as one to show the way forward.


Yours faithfully

Rev Sue Martin

Priest in Charge



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