The United Parish of Reculver

Tel: 01227 360948
Email the Office

Monthly Diary of events

February Events


Bart's Hub​​​​​​

Open 10am to 12 noon Monday to Saturday inc: for tea, coffee, refreshments, and company in a warm comfortable seating area, clothes, books, jigsaws at affordable prices.

Bart's Hub Kids Holiday Activities

Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 10am to 1pm  crafts, games and many more fun things to do and play. Including...

Tuesday 18  at 11am Pip the Clown and magic show.

Wednesday 19 11.30 onwards Pancake races. 


Soup and Sweet

Every Friday 12 noon to 1.30pm in St Bart's church hall for something savoury and sweet in company.


Holy Cross coffee morning

Saturday 15 February 10.30am to 12 noon Holy Cross, Hoath

Game Session

Thursday 14 February From 10.30am Bart's church hall. £8 per person including a delicious 2 course lunch, tea, coffee or hot chocolate.


Messy Church

Saturday 1 February 11.30am to 1pm at Holy Cross church, Hoath.

Tuesday 11 February 3.30pm to 5pm at Reculver school hall.

Mother and Todler Group

Every Wednesday in term time. 1.30pm to 3pm at St Mary's church, Reculvder. £1 per family per week. Refreshmets, chat and play.  Contact Janet Newman 01227 368275 for details.










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