The United Parish of Reculver

Tel: 01227 360948
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The Restoration Project

St Bartholomew’s Church is an English Heritage Grade 2 listed building. It is designated as Grade 2 because it provides a good example of ‘free, inventive Gothic architecture’ by a leading church architect of the early 20 th century, WD Caroe, whose exploration of Northern Gothic and folk art motifs are evident in the design.

Sadly, English Heritage has also designated the church as in poor condition and in need of considerable repair and redecoration. The huge roof requires total refurbishment or replacement, and work is needed to the gutters and downpipes. The interior of the church has declined significantly in recent years, particularly due to water damage, and needs considerable work. The floor is uneven and a new heating system is required.

We see it as a vital part of our mission to preserve the church for the use of the community and for future generations. Spiralling costs and reduced attendance since Covid means that there is little left from donations to spend on major renovations. Our vision is for a church that is at the heart of its community, serving as a venue for a wide range of activities, including musical and artistic events, dance, and a host of other potential uses. We are attempting a major fundraising project to bring our dream to fruition, applying for grants from key organisations, but also seeking out talented people within our community who can advise, assist, suggest ideas and boost our fundraising drive. If you feel able to help in any way, please contact John on 07850 735202.

Within our parish are several residential homes that cater for people with disabilities and/or learning difficulties. We are delighted to welcome a number of their residents to our services and other functions. However, St Bart’s has only one WC, which is not large enough to accommodate a wheelchair. To access this, you have to navigate two separate steps at the far end of the church. We have decided that our first priority is to install an all-access toilet at the rear of the church.

Why not pop in and take a look around our church? You’ll be able to see for yourself not only the extent of the work to be done but also the beautiful architecture and features that make St Bart’s a church to be treasured and preserved for future generations.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this,.

John Bailey

Church  Warden

07850 735202

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